Student Health & Wellbeing Resources
University Research Contacts
University Student Wellbeing Contacts
Ashoorian, D., Albrecht, K., Baxter, C., Giftakis, E., Clifford, R., Greenwell-Barnden, J., & Wylde, T. (2019). Evaluation of Mental Health First Aid
skills in an Australian university population. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13(5), 1121-1128.​
Babaeer, L., Stylianou, M., Walker, J., & Gomersall, S. (2022). Dietary intake and educational outcomes among Australian university students: cross-
sectional and longitudinal associations. Public Health Nutrition, 25(12), 3291-3305.
Baik, C., Larcombe, W., & Brooker, A. (2019). How universities can enhance student mental wellbeing: the student perspective. Higher Education
Research & Development, 38(4), 674-687.
Bond, K., Form, A., Kitchener, B., & Reavley, N. (2015). Mental health first aid training for Australian medical and nursing students: an evaluation
study. BMC Psychology, 3(11).
Bore, M., Kelly, B., & Nair, B. (2016). Potential predictors of psychological distress and well-being in medical students: a cross-sectional pilot study.
Advance in Medical Education and Practice, 7, 125-135.
Cosh, S., & Tully, P. (2014). “All I have to do is pass”: A discursive analysis of student athletes' talk about prioritising sport to the detriment of
education to overcome stressors encountered in combining elite sport and tertiary education. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(2), 180-189.
Cosh, S., & Tully, P. (2015). Stressors, Coping and Support Mechanisms for Student-Athletes Combining Elite Sport and Tertiary Education:
Implications for Practice. Sport Psychologist, 19, 120-133.
Cvetkovski, S., Jorm, A., & Mackinnon, A. (2017). An analysis of the mental health trajectories of university students compared to their community
peers using a national longitudinal survey. Studies in Higher Education, 44(1), 1-16.
Dash, S., Bourke, M., Parker, A., Dadswell, K., & Pascoe, M. (2022). Lifestyle behaviours and mental health and wellbeing of tertiary students during
COVID-19 lockdown in Australia: A cross-sectional study. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 116, 152324.
Dodd, R., Dadaczynski, K., Okan, O., McCaffery, K., & Pickles, K. (2021). Psychological Wellbeing and Academic Experience of University Students in
Australia during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 866.
Farrer, L., Gulliver, A., Bennett, K., Fassnacht, D., & Griffiths, K. (2016). Demographic and psychosocial predictors of major depression and
generalised anxiety disorder in Australian university students. BMC Psychiatry, 16, 241.
Gallo, L., Gallo, T., Young, S., Moritz, K., & Akison, L. (2020). The Impact of Isolation Measures Due to COVID-19 on Energy Intake and Physical
Activity Levels in Australian University Students. Nutrients, 12(6), 1865.
Hussain, R., Guppy, M., Robertson, S., & Temple, E. (2013). Physical and mental health perspectives of first year undergraduate rural university
students. BMC Public Health, 13, 848.
Khawaja, N., & Stallman, H. (2011). Understanding the Coping Strategies of International Students: A Qualitative Approach. Australian Journal of
Guidance and Counselling, 21(2), 203-224.
Larcombe, W., Finch, S., Sore, R., & Murray, C. (2016). Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of psychological distress among students at
an Australian university. Studies in Higher Education, 41(6), 1-18.
Larcombe, W., Baik, C., & Finch, S. (2022). Exploring course experiences that predict psychological distress and mental wellbeing in Australian
undergraduate and graduate coursework students. Higher Education Research and Development, 41(3), 1-16.
Le Rossignol, P., Miles, S., Saunders, J., & Pepping, G. (2022). Physical activity in university health science students: Motivations influencing
behaviors. Journal of American College Health, 1-8.
Leahy, C., Peterson, R., Wilsom, I., Newbury, J., Tonkin, A., & Turnbull, D. (2010). Distress levels and self-reported treatment rates for medicine, law,
psychology and mechanical engineering tertiary students: cross-sectional study. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(7), 608-615.
Liu, C., McCabe, M., Dawson, A., Cyrzon, C., Shankar, S., Gerges, N., Kellet-Renzella, S., Chye, Y., & Cornish, K. (2021). Identifying Predictors of
University Students' Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Data-Driven Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6730.
Logan, B., & Burns, S. (2021). Stressors among young Australian university students: A qualitative study. Journal of American College Health, 71(6),
Lovell, G., Nash, K., Sharman, R., & Lane, B. (2015). A cross-sectional investigation of depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms and health-
behavior participation in Australian university students. Nursing & Health Sciences, 17(1), 134-142.
Morton, S., Mergler, A., & Boman, P. (2014). Managing the Transition: The Role of Optimism and Self-Efficacy for First-Year Australian University
Students. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 24(1), 90-108.
Mulder, A., & Cashin, A. (2015). Health and wellbeing in students with very high psychological distress from a regional Australian university.
Advances in Mental Health, 13(1), 72-83.
Oftedal, S., Fenton, S., Hansen, V., Whatnall, M., Ashton, L., Haslam, R., Hutchesson, M., & Duncan, M. (2023). Changes in physical activity, diet,
sleep, and mental well-being when starting university: A qualitative exploration of Australian student experiences. Journal of American College Health.
Ong, J., Lau, T., Massar, S., Chong, Z., Ng, B., Koek, D., Zhao, W., Yeo, B., Cheong, K., & Chee, M. (2021). COVID-19-related mobility reduction:
heterogenous effects on sleep and physical activity rhythms. Sleep, 44(2), 179.
Oster, C., Skelton, C., Venning, A., Fairweather, K., & Redpath, P. (2022). A pathway through the “uncanny”: A phenomenological photovoice study of
Australian university students’ experiences of physical activity during COVID-19. College of Medicine and Public Health, 30(5).
Reis, N., Kowalski, K., Mosewich, A., & Ferguson, L. (2021). ‘That’s how I am dealing with it – that is dealing with it’: exploring men athletes’ self-
compassion through the lens of masculinity. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14(2), 245-267.
Reis, A., Mortimer, T., Rutherford, E., Sperandei, S., & Shaeb, R. (2021). Students as leaders in supporting campus well-being: Peer-to-peer health
promotion in higher education. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(1), 106-116.
Reis, A., Nguyen, V., Saheb, R., Rutherford, E., & Sperandei, S. (2023). Improving university students’ mental health literacy using experiential
learning opportunities. Health Education Journal, 82(2).
Richardson, A., King, S., Olds, T., Parfitt, G., & Chiera, B. (2019). Study and Life: How first year university students use their time. Student Success,
10(1), 17-31.
Rosenthal, D., Russell, J., & Thomson, G. (2008). The health and wellbeing of international students at an Australian university. Higher Education, 55,
Rubin, M., Evans, O., & Wilkinson, R. (2016). A Longitudinal Study of the Relations Among University Students' Subjective Social Status, Social
Contact with University Friends, and Mental Health and Well-Being. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 35(9), 722-737.
Ryan, T., Baik, C., & Larcombe, W. (2021). How can universities better support the mental wellbeing of higher degree research students? A study of
students’ suggestions. Higher Education Research and Development, 41(2).
Saheb, R., Mortimer, T., Rutherford, E., Sperandei, S., & Reis, A. (2019). Creating Healthy Universities: The role of campus-based health promotion
events in supporting student well-being. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(1), 13-20.
Sanagavarapu, P., & Abraham, J. (2021). Validating the relationship between beginning students’ transitional challenges, well-being, help-seeking,
and their adjustments in an Australian university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(5), 616-628.
Schofield, M., O’Halloran, P., McLean, S., & Forrester-Knauss, C. (2016). Depressive Symptoms Among Australian University Students: Who Is at
Risk? Australian Psychologist, 51(2), 135-144.
Smith, L., Disler, R., & Watson, K. (2020). Physical activity and dietary habits of first year nursing students: An Australian dual-method study.
Collegian, 27(5), 535-541.
Watson, S., Barber, B., & Dziurawiec, S. (2015). The Role of Economizing and Financial Strain in Australian University Students’ Psychological Well-
Being. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 36, 421-433.
Weier, M., & Lee, C. (2016). Stagnant or Successful, Carefree or Anxious? Australian University Students' Goals and Beliefs About Adulthood and
Their Current Well-being. Australian Psychologist, 51(6), 422-430.
Whatnall, M., Patterson, A., Siew, Y., Kay-Lambkin, F., & Hutchesson, M. (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
16(21), 4099.
Whatnall, M., Patterson, A., Chiu, S., Oldmeadow, C., & Hutchesson, M. (2020). Determinants of eating behaviours in Australian university students:
A cross-sectional analysis. Nutrition & Dietetics, 77(3), 331-343.
Wilson, O., Walters, S., Naylor, M., & Clarke, J. (2021). Changes in Physical Activity and Motives following the Transition from High School to
University. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 6(1), 56-67.